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Thought Tweet #970

by Rick Baker
On Apr 4, 2014

Thought Tweet #970 Money- it can build quality character...but only if it is earned with effort, over time.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Money is an illustration of Value.

Money is an extrinsic reward...something we give and get in exchange for other things and actions of Value.

Extrinsic rewards are fleeting. So, money provides some short-term gratification then that gratification dissolves.

When extrinsic rewards are received too quickly or in too-large amounts the gratification can become like an overdose drug...and dysfunctional behaviour follows...hubris, inflated ego, etc.

When extrinsic rewards are received at a steady pace, in positive better-than-average amounts, the feeling of gratification is balanced...and this is comforting. One example of this comfort is the repeated confirmation that there is no need to fear poverty. And this sort of comfortable gratification feeds and grows self-confidence...which leads to enhancements of character.

In this way, money earned over time can help a person build quality character.


Abundance | Attitude: Creating Positive Attitude | Thought Tweets | Values: Personal Values

Repeat, Repeat, Repeat

by Rick Baker
On Apr 4, 2014

Chinese Proverb: The palest ink is better than the strongest memory.

So we must repeat, repeat, repeat. 

Many people get annoyed when other people forget this or that.

I smile and remind myself to repeat, repeat, repeat.

Actually - I use an autosuggestion [self-talk] process of repeating to myself the message "I must repeat my messages to others". In this way I am certainly practising what I am preaching.


Tip: If you want to reduce your stress levels then focus your attention on how you feel when you find yourself in a situation where someone did not follow your instruction or, in some other way, didn't receive the message you were trying to send. If you feel annoyed by other people's failure to get your message or failure to remember your message or failure to act on your message then - replace your annoyance with a healthy dose of repetition. And, while you do the repetition test your pulse regularly to make sure you are not feeling annoyed.

Plan as you would for any important task.

Set strategies and tactics for repeating, repeating, repeating.

Then go about repeating your messages calmly and clearly and:

  • watch how repetition helps improve other people's ability to remember and take action,
  • watch how repetition improves results...the results you desire,
  • watch how repetition reduces your stress level, and
  • watch how repetition improves your attitude.

Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.